Leaky Gut


The intestine is full of millions of bacterias. Over 300 types that keep helping you breaking down the food and then the nutrients are absorbed. These bacteria directly feed the cells of our intestine, they live in harmony keeping a check on each other preventing overgrowth. This community inside our gut is called microbiota. But as in today, there are fewer people with healthy gut bacteria due to wrong eating and unhealthy lifestyles. With this, we even see a strong intolerance of carbohydrate and lactose. This further worsens the internal body.

A good idea is to change the diet which can remove the inflammation of the gut. One should take probiotics, eat fermented foods. Stay away from foods that contribute to harmful bacteria which are fast foods, tinned foods, foods containing preservatives, food which is cooked a day or two back, carbonated and sugary drinks, foods with fewer fruits and vegetables, factory-made ready to eat animal food. Due to these is inflammation in the intestine and increased intestinal permeability is developed also known as a leaky gut syndrome which in turn can lead to all kinds of diseases like allergies, autoimmune, obesity, mental imbalance, irregular blood sugar, and the list goes on. By eating too many inflammatory foods as above, our body’s self-healing and self-regulation takes the stress and slowly begin to degrade and disfunction.

Of course, the other contributing factors are the inheritance of parents, antibiotic stress, pollution. One can develop an imbalance. The population of parasite, bacteria, that protect the health of your stomach is reduced. So totally stop refined carbs such as white flour, sugar, sodas, pastries, bread, pasta as all these are the main food for bad bacteria. To mention here that why intermittent fasting sometimes is good for the body is that all food is stopped so the bad bacteria die and the person starts feeling better.

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates with a good amount of fiber like root vegetables, whole grains, fruits, green vegetables are good for the gut. Remember the antibiotics are killers of all good and bad bacteria and the beneficial gut bacteria always have a harder time to bounce back and again function.

If this situation is not addressed with probiotics and fiber supplementation and also long term use of antacids lower stomach acid, which is necessary for protein digestion then the internal body degrades. Also stomach acid helps prevent gut infection. Antacids can be dangerous in the long term. When all the above goes on for a long time then the bacterial toxins enter our bloodstream and then immunity lowers. Sometimes this structure looks very similar to your own body’s tissue proteins. This is called molecular mimicry and this can lead to body creating antibodies again itself, which is the cause of autoimmune disease.

So further all this can cause diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating mucus and blood in stools. On more serious notes the villi in the small intestine are destroyed and the enzymes produced by it to break gluten, lactose, maltose decline, so we develop lactose and gluten intolerance. In order to be absorbed in the blood. All carbs should be broken down to single sugar which in turn is used by our cells for energy and can in turn into glycogen and fat by the liver to be stored, to be used by the body for later.

Diet to heal, eat fibers from plants to keep the gut happy, use fibrous vegetables and fruits like spinach, bell pepper, sweet potatoes, roots vegetable, cabbage, garlic, onion celery, berries, apples and many more. Eat ground flaxseeds and can also have flaxseed buttermilk. Lots of sugar in diet hamper the neighbor of the gut which is mouth and genitals leading to their infection. Try gluten-free carbs to avoid stress to the digestive system, try one food at a time to check allergies.

Remains stress-free and eat only fresh food.